. Thursday, October 30, 2008
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One the most important vitamins your body needs is Vitamin C. Natural sources are the best way to get Vitamin C. You will find Vitamin C in green peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, green vegetables, fish, potatoes, broccoli, milk, and tomatoes. Read food labels and look for ascorbic acid , another name for Vitamin C.

What does vitamin C do? Basically , vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means that it battles the forces in our body that can cause organ, tissue, and cell damage. Therefore, vitamin C protects the body and may specifically be linked to reducing the signs of aging. If you do not have enough vitamin C in your body, you will develop scurvy. Scurvy is very uncommon in the United States, but can cause anemia, gum disease, skin hemorrhages, and weakness.

Sometimes a doctor may recommend supplements if you don't get enough. When you begin taking vitamin C supplements, make sure that you follow your doctor’s recommendations. If you take to much vitamin C, you can overdose, just as you would with a typical drug. This is rare, because vitamin C is water soluble and high amounts will leave the body at a normal rate, but when it does happen, it can cause kidney stones and interfere with vitamin B12 absorption, causing anemia. Diarrhea is also a side effect. Therefore, it is best to listen to you doctor’s recommendation.

So where can you find vitamin C? Vitamin C is found in the following plant sources:kakadu plum, Camu Camu, rose hip, acerola, amla, jujube, baobab, blackcurrant, red pepper, parsley, seabuckthorn, guava, kiwi fruit, broccoli, loganberry, redcurrant, Brussels sprouts, lychee, cloudberry, persimmon, papaya, strawberry, orange, lemon, melon, and cauliflower. There are also animal sources rich in vitamin C like calf liver, beef liver, raw oysters, cod roe, pork liver, lamb brain, chicken liver, lamb heart, lamb liver, lamb tongue, human milk, goat milk, and cows milk.Deficiencies in Vitamin C may cause several diseases. Consuming the right fods prevents this.If you eat the right sources for vitamin C you will less likely need supplements. Healthy people usually do not require supplements. Supplements can actually be harmful with unabsorbable forms of the vitamin and they can be costly. Vitamin C from natural sources is the best