Rosella have scientific name Hibiscus Sabdariffa form Malvaccae familia.
This plants from india until malaysia. whole part this plant can make to food, drink and medicine.
sheath rosella with mild sour sweet taste and have red color can be juice, molasses , jams , jellies, sauce, wines, cough medicine, candy and snack sweet
from research, this sheath rosella behalf seasoned with as much as asam amino and vitamin c. asam amino be found in arginine,cystine,histidine,isoleucine,leucine,lysine,methionine,phenylalanine,threonine tryptopahn,tyrosine,valine, aspartic acid,glutamic,acid alanine, glycine,praline and serine,
Rosella special quality as antiseptic,aprodisiak,diuretic,sedative and tonic
Benefit Rosella
1. Can help reduce hypertensi
2. smothen circulation blood
3. help reduce colesterol
4. help reduce diabetus militus
5. Keeping from cancer
6. Make healthy hearth
7. increase power body
8. help eyes healthy
9. Replacement electrolyte
10. act as brake in heavy body
11. anti aging
12. best drink before eat snack greasy
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