Fact about Fat

. Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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FACT: Your Body Can't Live without Fat.

* The human brain is 60% fat.
* Fat maintains the integrity of the nervous system, your brain's "communication center" with the rest of your body.
* Fat is needed by all the cells in your body: Nerve cells, eye cells, brain cells and even heart cells need fat to survive.
* Your body needs fat in order to properly absorb and use crucial vitamins such as A, D, E, K and Beta-Carotene
* Fat boosts your immune system and acts as a shield to keep out harmful germs and microbes that can cause illness.

Essential Fatty Acids is for everyone
But Not Just Any Fat Will Do!

Before you throw your hands up excitedly and head for a double burger and a pint of ice cream, you need to know that your body needs a certain kind of fat - a kind that isn't contained in all of those tempting fast foods or decadent desserts. What your body really wants are Essential Fatty Acids
What Are Essential Fatty Acids and What Do They Do?

They're not called "essential" for nothing. Every cell in your body is made of these specialized fats, and these cells need a continuous supply of these fatty acids in order to function at its peak. Since your body doesn't produce these acids naturally, it depends on you to provide them.
How To Tell When You Aren't Getting Enough...

No doubt that you or someone you know is suffering from one, if not more, of these common ailments - all signs that you aren't getting enough Essential Fatty Acids from your diet. Symptoms include:

* Allergies
* Depression or Hyperactivity
* Learning Difficulties
* High Blood Pressure

If left untreated, a deficiency in Essential Fatty Acids could lead to:

* Diabetes
* Cancer
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Heart Disease
* Intestinal Disorders

So Where Do Essential Fatty Acids Come From?

Essential Fatty Acids Foods - Some of the best and healthiest sources of these critical nutrients include:

* Salmon, Herring and Mackerel
* Hemp Hearts and Hemp Oil
* Walnuts and Almonds
* Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
* Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil*
* Whole Grain Foods
* Lean Meats and Eggs

Adding these products into a diet with other highly nutritional foods and exercise can ensure that you're giving your body the best possible combination of disease fighting, health-boosting nutrients it needs.

Benefit from *Flax Seed Oil . Not only does it improve carnitine activity in the body, but studies have shown that it can substantially lower the risk of death from coronary heart disease. Flax seed oil contains twice the amount of Omega-3 oils than that of fish oil products. NSP's Flax Seed Oil is 100% organic and unrefined; due to the cold pressing of the seeds.
Reap the benefits of *Super Oil capsules that combines oil from three different sources.

What If I'm Vegetarian or Allergic to Nuts?

We realize that some people simply can't add these types of foods to their diet. In these cases, or even if you're not on a restricted diet, we recommend getting your Essential Fatty Acids from hemp hearts or hemp seed oil, both of which are packed with the same compounds as the foods listed above, but are odorless and tasteless, so you can use them virtually anywhere! Add them to a salad, baked potato or in a hot, steaming bowl of oatmeal. You won't even realize they're in there, and you're doing your body a huge favor!

Do you need help? Just ask as a Chartered Herbalist, I specialize in helping people achieve their overall wellness goals. I can help put you on the road to achieving good health and a sense of well-being. I'm here to answer any questions you have and to help you choose the best products.