. Thursday, May 8, 2008
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What is Nutritional Therapy?

We all know that to be healthy we should eat a balanced diet, in modest quantities and at regular intervals and combine it with regular exercise. Unfortunately life does not, for most people, turn out to be as simple as that. We are all individuals with individual needs. The food that one person thrives on, may give someone else terrible indigestion. Equally the diet that cures one persons arthritis might have no effect on someone else with the same condition. There are always many factors which need to be taken into consideration.

Nutritional Therapy is always personal and closely centred around the lifestyle, environment, needs and habits of the client. Nutritional consultants are trained to examine their client's entire lifestyle and make-up, not just what, when and how they eat, but how they sleep, how they work, what exercise they take and how they feel. Consultants are also skilled in nutritional science, including allergy testing, and through a process of elimination and education, can find out if their client is nutritionally imbalanced and if so, how to redress the balance.

The aim is to build up a complete, individual profile and then find a dietary and lifestyle programme to lead the client towards optimum health. Nutritional Therapy is certainly not a quick fix and a certain amount of motivation will be required on the client's part. Sometimes certain foods have to be given up for a period of time, to detect intolerances/allergies.

Perseverance can however have enormous benefits. Many people find that ineffective nutrition is at the root of serious illness.

Almost all illnesses have been alleviated through Nutritional Therapy. Even emotional/psychological problems can be helped. Often Nutritional Therapy is combined with other therapies including: Counselling, Herbal Medicine, Massage and Kinesiology.

How many Nutritional Therapy sessions will be needed?

A number of sessions over a period of several months are required to reap the benefits of this treatment - probably around 6 sessions. The client will learn how to manage their own nutritional programme and the aim is self-sufficiency with possibly occasional maintenance sessions.