FACT: Your Body Can't Live without Fat.
* The human brain is 60% fat.
* Fat maintains the integrity of the nervous system, your brain's "communication center" with the rest of your body.
* Fat is needed by all the cells in your body: Nerve cells, eye cells, brain cells and even heart cells need fat to survive.
* Your body needs fat in order to properly absorb and use crucial vitamins such as A, D, E, K and Beta-Carotene
* Fat boosts your immune system and acts as a shield to keep out harmful germs and microbes that can cause illness.
Essential Fatty Acids is for everyone
But Not Just Any Fat Will Do!
Before you throw your hands up excitedly and head for a double burger and a pint of ice cream, you need to know that your body needs a certain kind of fat - a kind that isn't contained in all of those tempting fast foods or decadent desserts. What your body really wants are Essential Fatty Acids
What Are Essential Fatty Acids and What Do They Do?
They're not called "essential" for nothing. Every cell in your body is made of these specialized fats, and these cells need a continuous supply of these fatty acids in order to function at its peak. Since your body doesn't produce these acids naturally, it depends on you to provide them.
How To Tell When You Aren't Getting Enough...
No doubt that you or someone you know is suffering from one, if not more, of these common ailments - all signs that you aren't getting enough Essential Fatty Acids from your diet. Symptoms include:
* Allergies
* Depression or Hyperactivity
* Learning Difficulties
* High Blood Pressure
If left untreated, a deficiency in Essential Fatty Acids could lead to:
* Diabetes
* Cancer
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Heart Disease
* Intestinal Disorders
So Where Do Essential Fatty Acids Come From?
Essential Fatty Acids Foods - Some of the best and healthiest sources of these critical nutrients include:
* Salmon, Herring and Mackerel
* Hemp Hearts and Hemp Oil
* Walnuts and Almonds
* Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
* Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil*
* Whole Grain Foods
* Lean Meats and Eggs
Adding these products into a diet with other highly nutritional foods and exercise can ensure that you're giving your body the best possible combination of disease fighting, health-boosting nutrients it needs.
Benefit from *Flax Seed Oil . Not only does it improve carnitine activity in the body, but studies have shown that it can substantially lower the risk of death from coronary heart disease. Flax seed oil contains twice the amount of Omega-3 oils than that of fish oil products. NSP's Flax Seed Oil is 100% organic and unrefined; due to the cold pressing of the seeds.
Reap the benefits of *Super Oil capsules that combines oil from three different sources.
What If I'm Vegetarian or Allergic to Nuts?
We realize that some people simply can't add these types of foods to their diet. In these cases, or even if you're not on a restricted diet, we recommend getting your Essential Fatty Acids from hemp hearts or hemp seed oil, both of which are packed with the same compounds as the foods listed above, but are odorless and tasteless, so you can use them virtually anywhere! Add them to a salad, baked potato or in a hot, steaming bowl of oatmeal. You won't even realize they're in there, and you're doing your body a huge favor!
Do you need help? Just ask as a Chartered Herbalist, I specialize in helping people achieve their overall wellness goals. I can help put you on the road to achieving good health and a sense of well-being. I'm here to answer any questions you have and to help you choose the best products.
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Fact about Fat
There are loads of fat burning foods that you can take advantage of so you'll be slender and slimmer. The thought of gobbling up food to be sexy might be funny - but it is actually possible. You just have to watch what you eat. This is why diet plays an important role in any weight loss plan.
Many starve themselves to lose weight. What they don't realize is the fact that that's a very dangerous way of slimming down. Food is needed by the body. It is the body's fuel. The body needs food to go on. Without it, your body systems would fail.
It is never right to skip a meal, no matter how obese you maybe. Dieting doesn't necessitate not taking your dinner or your lunch. Dieting is as simple as eating right and speeding up your metabolism. This is the reason why exercising and dieting always go together. Now, if you just add fat burning foods to your diet, you will be thin faster.
A partial list of foods that can burn fats include bananas, soybeans, apples, berries, and a lot of low-fat dairy products. There are also spices, herbs, and seasonings that could help you cut down inches off your waist. Good examples would be cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginger and garlic.
By adding them to your meals, your food would taste better and healthier, not to mention fat-burning as well. Essential fatty acids combined with citrus fruits are fat burning foods too. Make it a point to include foods rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin C in your diet.
However, you must not rely on the abilities of fat burning foods alone. You should also do something in order to be thin. Just following a diet is a long way to achieve your goal. It is advisable that you also do some exercises. The simple task of walking to and from the office is good enough. If you can jog early in the morning, then that's better. You can't expect to be thin if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Also, you have to try your best to avoid sweet and fatty foods. Stay clear of deep-fried and sugary food items. Forget about ice creams, cakes, French fries, potato chips, and chocolates for sometime. This way, you can maximize the effects of fat burning foods in. And you will see the results much sooner that you can expect.
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why necessary ??? because its is mechanism defense your body. which epidemis separate from out lining. liquid body fall in and fill up empty gap, while wait the new linning .
Type of Blister
Blood Blister : Blister which can go out blood if you pich
Water Blister :Blister which full liquid like water and not contain blood.
Fever Blister : Blister grow close in mouth with itched , sick and hot before smashed.
Blister Caused
Blister caused is :
1. injury because rubbing or chemistry substance and makes allergy.
2. skin irritation causative out linning separate from under.
3. Because Viruses usually shapped sex disease
the key is one : forestall rubbing in skin.
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Natural Cosmetic
Different skin color? hmmmmmm its natural. every girls want have white face skin, smooth and interesting. they don't want if they skin face black,coarse,and pimples.
its so that they try much cosmetic product which sale in free market.
just you know, if not all cosmetic product safe for your skin face. Try natural material from fruits is good too.
1. Lemonade
Benefit for white skin,smooth skin, little pore-pore and lose fatty in skin oil. because this fruit contain vitamin A,C,B1,B2 and B3
2. Avocado
Benefit For anti aging because contain Amino acid and vitamin
3. Almond
Benefit for smooth skin face because contain mineral, oleat acid,vitamin A and B
4. Tomato
Benefit for smooth skin face and protect skin for sunrise because contain protein,fosfor,iron,sulphur, vitamin A,B1 and C
5. banana
Benefit for damp skin because contain serotonin,pectin,tannin,noradrenalin,dopamin,vitamin A, B complex and C.
Now you know material natural which suitable with your skin. Try and your skin is beautiful,smooth and white and important safe for your skin.
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Rosella have scientific name Hibiscus Sabdariffa form Malvaccae familia.
This plants from india until malaysia. whole part this plant can make to food, drink and medicine.
sheath rosella with mild sour sweet taste and have red color can be juice, molasses , jams , jellies, sauce, wines, cough medicine, candy and snack sweet
from research, this sheath rosella behalf seasoned with as much as asam amino and vitamin c. asam amino be found in arginine,cystine,histidine,isoleucine,leucine,lysine,methionine,phenylalanine,threonine tryptopahn,tyrosine,valine, aspartic acid,glutamic,acid alanine, glycine,praline and serine,
Rosella special quality as antiseptic,aprodisiak,diuretic,sedative and tonic
Benefit Rosella
1. Can help reduce hypertensi
2. smothen circulation blood
3. help reduce colesterol
4. help reduce diabetus militus
5. Keeping from cancer
6. Make healthy hearth
7. increase power body
8. help eyes healthy
9. Replacement electrolyte
10. act as brake in heavy body
11. anti aging
12. best drink before eat snack greasy
Mask Best For Face
Benefit your weekend with treatment face. made mask from material beside you. easy for made and low price.
this below type of mask you can do :
1. Honey mask
For the best result, clean face with warm water to open pore-pore. Dabbing honey to all face. For sensitive skin and have problem, mix honey with oatmeal. dabbing to face and let 15-30 minutes. wash with warm water and then cold water to close pore-pore
2. Exfoliating Mask.
This mask can help exfoliation and take away dead cell skin in face. mix 3 spoon olive oil with1 spoon salt kosher or sea salt. dabbing to dry skin in face. this mask can use to soft skin .
3. Mask white egg.
Separation white egg with red egg. dabbing white egg to all face until dry. clean with water. not only clean, face can speed up skin after mask with white egg.
Mask made from Fruits.
1. Carrot mask.
Carrot made sense high vitamin A , high vitamin c, potasium. and honey made sense fruktosa,glukosa, fatty acid, vitamin and mineral.
- 2-3 big carrot
- 41/2 spoon honey.
boiled carrot then fall to pieces until smooth. mix with honey . dabbing to all face and let until 10 minutes. clean with cold water.
2. Apple Mask
- 1 Big Apple
- 5 spoon honey.
mix apple grater with honey as mask. dabbing to all face and let until 10 minutes. wash face until clean with cold water.
3. Strawberry mask
strawberry made sense more vitamin c. fruit made sense more vitamin c and prevent to cancer.
- 8-9 strawberry
- 3 spoon honey.
Fall to pieces strawberry with fork then mix with honey. don't use blender to fall pieces strawberry and then filter. Dabbing to all face until 10 minutes. wash face until clean with cold water.
4. Banana mask
Banana is much vitamin c, vitamin B6 and potasium. banana made sense moisturaizer which can clammy skin.
- 2 big banana
- 1 spoon oatmeal
- Pure milk ( to soft skin )
Fall to pieces banana with fork. mix with oatmeal, add honey and pure milk if you want. dabbing to all face until 10 minutes. wash face with cold water.
5. peach mask
peach can exfoliating died skin cell and regeneration new cell. with AHA ( alpha hidroxy acid ) this inside can help lost ripply soft skin, sunspot,spot because aging,and spot because acne.
- 1 peach
- 1 spoon honey
- little oatmeal.
boiled peach until smooth. fall to pieces with fork and mix with honey and oatmeal. dabbing to all face and let until 10 minutes. wash until clean with cold water.
Other Recipe
1. Yogurt mask
- 1 spoon yogurt without taste
- 1 spoon warm honey.
* if very dry skin can add 2 spoon honey
* if oil skin can add 2 drop water lemon
* if sensitive skin can add little oatmeal.
Mix all ingredient until smooth and dabbing to all face . let until 15 minutes and then clean face with warm water.
2. juice mask
strawberry and lemon juice made sense astringent natural, which can cold face.
- 1 spoon juice lemon
- 2 white egg
- 3 spoon honey
- 1 glass juice strawberry
- if you want can add 4 essential oil.
blender all ingredient until smooth. dabbing to all face. let until 10 minutes. wash with water.
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Smell mouth because 2 problem
1. healty mouth
2. food
Food to prevent a smell mouth is
- plant vegetatio
to prevent a smell mouth eat taragon, eucalyptus. this plant can be a drink. this plant useful to wash a mouth
- yogurt
usually eat a yogurt because yogurt can less a smell mouth
- vegetables and fruits
Apple, celery, carrot can be eat after breakfast, lunch or dinner
- Candy
Candy with pepermint can protect mouth while
- vitamin c high dossis
eat fruits like orange,melon and food contain vitamin c high dossis
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Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Benefits: Treatment of acne, pimples & psoriasis• Analgesic properties for inflammation of skin
• Helps reduce high blood pressure
• Anti-aging properties
• Heals insect bites minor burns & sunburns
• Arthritis, diabetes
• Helps prevent cancer & tumors
• Eases Constipation
• Antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic & antibiotic properties
• For treatment of skin inflammation, acne, pimple, insect bites, minor burns etc., remove the skin of a leaf then rub Sabila (Aloe Vera) juice on your skin and leave for at least 30 minutes.
• For hypertension, arthritis diabetes, constipation etc., remove the skin and take internally. The jell liquefies a after a few minutes and can be mixed with other drinks.