. Friday, January 16, 2009
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Thirty smart tips on getting fit,eating right and staying sane as you prepare for any big event.

The important date in our life can send us into a frenzy of activity, organizing and working around the clock to get things done. Planning a wedding is the perfect example. The morning after she become engaged, the typical bride to be isn't thinking " i do ", but to do : book a venue,interview catereers, design invitations etc. No wonder some women end up neglecting the very thins that will help them not only realize their plans,but look dazzling for the occasion. Fact is being a beautiful bride,an elegant hostess, a relaxed conference convener involves more than the prefect outfit and great make-up. It comes from regular exercise,minimising stress and healthy eating. we asked expert in each field to outline a aolan of exercise,sterss reduction and diet, so you can look and feel radiant on that important day.