Curcuma xanthorrhiza roxb( Temulawak )

. Monday, June 30, 2008

Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is known as one of the Indonesian indigenous herbals, which mostly used as traditional medicine.
The efficacy of curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) in lowering blood plasma lipid was evaluated in rabbits. Forty male New Zealand white rabbits were divided into four equal groups and offered isoatherogenic diets with no curcuma, low curcuma , medium curcuma and high curcuma for 120 days. Faeces and feed samples were collected. Body weight was measured weekly. Blood samples at 1, 2 and 4 months and liver samples at the last blood collection were taken. Curcuma did not influence feed, protein and fat consumption and protein excretion but significantly increased fat excretion. Cholesterol concentration was decreased by 46.6, 56.4 and 63.2% and HDL concentration was decreased by 9.9, 14.5 and 21.9% at 2, 3 and 4 g kg-1 curcuma respectively. Curcuma significantly decreased LDL concentration and significantly decreased triglyceride concentration by 20.4, 28.5 and 29.5% at 2, 3 and 4 g kg-1 respectively. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor was significantly increased by curcuma. Glucose was significantly reduced by 6.2, 7.6 and 18.0% at 2, 3 and 4 g kg-1 curcuma respectively. Lipid peroxidation was prevented at 3 and 4 g kg-1 curcuma. The enhanced fat excretion could have been mediated through an acceleration of lipid metabolism from extrahepatic tissues to the liver, which would increase the excretion of cholesterol via the bile and into the faeces. Since this is central to lipid metabolism, curcuma has potential as a phytotherapeutic agent under atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease conditions.
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Cholesterol Lowering Foods 'Functional' for your heart


For years, a "healthy diet" has been largely defined by foods that should be avoided. We've learned to (try to) stay away from potato chips, cookies and virtually everything else that tastes good. Now, the focus may be about to shift toward foods you should work to include in your diet. When major food manufacturers introduce new, specially engineered product lines, their message may be: Eat our cereals, pastas, and even cookies and potato chips as part of your healthful diet.

However, you don't need to wait until functional foods reach supermarket shelves to make your diet more heart-healthy.
A careful review of what's already in your kitchen may reveal a ready cholesterol-fighting menu.

Natural foods

Natural foods fight cholesterol in a number of ways. Although dietary supplements are available for many of these natural substances, they are generally not as effective as the real thing.

Consider increasing your intake of foods containing the following cholesterol-lowering components:

Soluble fiber
We've all heard the phrase, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." But did you know that adage also holds true for lentils? Apples and lentils are both rich in soluble fiber, which regulates your body's production and elimination of cholesterol. Other good sources of soluble fiber include dried beans, peas, barley, citrus fruits, carrots and oats

Scientists first suspected a connection between soy and lower cholesterol levels after observing that people in Asian countries where diets contain much more soy than in the United States — have significantly lower levels of heart disease . Experts believe natural soy compounds called isoflavones act like human hormones that regulate cholesterol levels.
A minimum of 25 grams of soy protein must be consumed daily in order to reap optimal cholesterol-lowering benefits. Good sources of soy protein include soy milk, tempeh, tofu, and textured soy protein, a main ingredient in many meat substitutes.

Researchers have found that, in general, the more fish people eat, the less coronary artery disease they have. Fish contain high concentrations of a unique type of fat, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids .In addition to lowering blood fats (triglycerides), studies suggest that omega-3 PUFAs make the blood more slippery and less likely to clot.eating fish can reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Plant sterols
Foods containing plentiful plant sterols naturally occurring compounds found in certain plants and vegetable oils also may improve cholesterol levels. "

However, very large portions of plant sterols extracted in powder form must be consumed in order to benefit. Functional foods may soon make heart-healthy consumption of plant sterols more feasible.

Eating healthy foods to reduce your cholesterol is a great idea and a good way to ensure a healthy life. However, your diet might not be the only factor contributing to your high cholesterol. Some factors can only be remedied with cholesterol reducing drugs that your doctor can give you a prescription for. While eating a low-cholesterol diet is a fabulous idea, prescription drugs will help increase your chances of lowering your cholesterol. Read the rest of this entry »

Fish can Help Diabetes Patients


Eating at least two servings of fish each week seems to protect people with diabetes who also have kidney disease, that fish consumption lowers abnormal levels of protein in the urine in people with diabetes.

Abnormal amounts of protein appear in the urine when the kidneys are damaged; it's a key indicator of kidney disease. Previous studies have shown that fish and fish oil consumption decrease protein in the urine, increase glucose tolerance, decrease fats in the blood, and lower blood pressure -- all benefits to people with diabetes.

While there is no cure for the disease, a balanced diet and a lifestyle that includes regular exercise and weight loss for those who are overweight or obese helps slow the progression of complications.

Urine tests and dietary-lifestyle questionnaires led to the finding that those with diabetes who on average ate less than one serving of fish each week were four times likelier to have macroalbuminuria (abnormally high levels of protein in the urine) than those who eat fish regularly.

For the people without diabetes in the study, eating fish showed no difference in urine-protein levels.Protein in the urine is one of the earliest signs of kidney disease

Everyone underwent a medical examination, kept a food diary, and completed a food-frequency questionnaire. At the beginning and end of the study, their urine was taken to determine protein levels.

Fish consumption was defined as average weekly intake of fried fish, oily fish, white fish, and fish fingers.
it's unclear whether it's the fish oil or the type of protein in fish that protects the kidneys. And the study makes no distinction between eating fried vs. unfried fish or warm-water vs. cold-water fish like mackerel and salmon. The study simply shows that eating more of it has a protective effect on kidney function in those with diabetes. Read the rest of this entry »

Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine

. Monday, June 23, 2008

very few years another weight loss drug gets thrown out because of their proven health risks. It used to be Redux and Fen-Phen. Yet, the FDA still approves new diet drugs, despite potential side effects that may be damaging to the heart. Is there another, safer way to lose weight?
The majority of people who resort to drugs to help them lose weight have previously tried dieting. Unfortunately, many studies indicate that as many as 95% of these people regain all their weight within a year.
The problem with many diets and diet drugs is that both approaches attempt to eliminate excess weight quickly by treating only the symptom. Because they don’t reach the root of the problem, the results are not long lasting and may even be damaging.
It seems to be time to begin looking at the weight issue in a more holistic fashion. Let’s look at weight loss through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
For thousands of years, TCM has compared digestion to a pot on a flame. In order for proper digestion to take place, it is essential to keep the flame burning.
Digestion is a warming process and cold tends to freeze, constrict, and slow down the normal digestive functions. Anything that might smother or put out the flame can cause digestive disturbances, which can lead to sluggishness in the digestive process.
Improper digestion impairs the body’s ability to transport and transform food and fluids, leading to a build-up of dampness and phlegm, or what we know as excess body fat.
TCM offers ten simple guidelines to support proper digestion, which will ultimately lead to a reduction of body fat.1. Avoid very cold foods. Ice water and drinks will shut down your digestive fires. Don’t eat food directly from the refrigerator. WARM it up!2. Reduce intake of sugars and sweets, fried, greasy foods, and milk and dairy products. Sugars and sweets cause an increase of fluids in the body, creating excess phlegm, dampness, and digestive problems.

Fried, greasy foods do the same. Milk and dairy products are considered both cold and sweet and create much phlegm.

3. Eat more cooked and less raw food. Although many people think they receive more nutrients by eating some foods raw (e.g., fruits, vegetables, and salads), according to TCM, raw foods are too cold and difficult to digest, thereby not allowing the body to actually absorb all those nutrients.

Lightly cooked foods make digestion easier and allow a higher net gain of nutrients through better absorption. (Some raw foods are okay to eat during the hot summer months to create balance.)

4. Chew food very well. Digestion begins in the mouth. Chewing warms the food and breaks it down, making it easier on the stomach.

5. Avoid constant nibbling. Nibbling all day can cause food retention and digestive stagnation.

6. Don’t eat late at night. Metabolism is slower at this time of day and food tends to just sit there causing stagnation and weight gain.

7. Avoid overeating. Overeating can smother the digestive fires and cause food retention.

8. Avoid eating when under emotional stress. According to TCM, stress upsets the liver’s energetic functions which then hinders normal digestive functions.

9. Reduce salt intake. Salt retains fluids in the body and too much of it will make it more difficult to eliminate excess fluid.

10. Exercise! Exercise is a must for a successful weight loss program.

Some people may do all of the above and still not lose weight. They may give up on the more natural, effective weight loss program and try drugs or fad diets.
Too often this is counter-productive. The problem may well be that after years of impaired digestion, their metabolism may simply not be functioning as well as it should.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs may be used to stimulate the metabolism, dissolve fatty accumulations, regulate the appetite and strengthen the digestive system. By “reinforcing the flame under the pot,” TCM gets to the root of the problem, brings the body back into balance and allows the body to heal itself. Read the rest of this entry »


. Saturday, June 21, 2008

Today everyone is so busy working that people ignore their most important body organs. It’s no secret that the long hours we work and spend in front of the computer in offices harm especially the eyes.

Do you know your eyes are probably two of the busiest and most sensitive organs and easily become fatigued? And it happens especially if a poor diet and lack of an exercise routine are the norm.

1. Eat lots of fruits like orange, apple, mango and vegetables like Cabbage family, Carrots, loaded with beta carotene is especially helpful in maintaining healthy eyes.

2. Wear UV protective sunglasses. Get polarized lenses and use them rather using just dark lenses. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can harm your eyesight; protection in youth can help prevent loss of eyesight in later years.

3. Get cucumber and cut it into pieces. Press cold cucumber slices gently against eyes 10 minutes before going to sleep at night to prevent puffiness

4. Be sure to wear goggles or other eye protective wear when working with chemicals or on outdoor.

5. Feel relaxed by Looking at distant objects either in your office or outside. Try taking such visual breaks for about five to 10 minutes every hour.

6. While you keep your eyes closed, roll your eyeballs both clockwise and anticlockwise. Gradually open your eyes while releasing your breath. This exercise lasts for a minute and you can repeat it three times before getting back to work.” It serves as a good workout for the eyes

7. Try and quit smoking because the truth about smoking and its effects on the body, especially the eyes, is that it’s harmful. So keep your eyes away from smoke.

8. Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes - this will soothe your tired eyes. Read the rest of this entry »

High Fiber Diet

. Friday, June 20, 2008

Dietary fiber, which is found in mainly fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains and legumes, is best known as a remedy for constipation, but fiber's reach goes much further than that. There are various ways to include more high-fiber foods into your daily meals and snacks.

A high fiber diet offers numerous health benefits. A diet high in fiber can help to prevent constipation, lower the risk of digestive disorders, lower cholesterol, aids in weight loss, controls blood sugar and may even prevent colorectal cancer. We've all heard that we should eat more fiber, but you really don't realize how beneficial dietary fiber is until you begin to see these benefits surface.

Dietary fiber is also known as roughage or "bulk." It includes all parts of the plant that you cannot digest. Fiber can't be digested by the body; therefore it passes rather quickly through the digestive system. There are two types of fiber including soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is the type that dissolves in water and forms a gel-like material. This fiber is vital in reducing your blood cholesterol as well as your glucose levels. Soluble fiber can be found in:

* Oats
* Peas
* Beans
* Apples
* Citrus fruits
* Barley
* Carrots

Insoluble fiber is the type that promotes movement in the digestive system. It also increases the bulk of your stools and is beneficial to those who suffer from irregular stools or constipation. Foods containing insoluble fiber include:

* Whole-wheat flour
* Bran
* Nuts
* Vegetables

High fiber diets provide many benefits. The main benefit that many people recognize is the softening of stools so that they are easier to pass and decreases constipation. Fiber can also help to solidify stools as it absorbs water and adds bulk.

If you are prone to digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or hemorrhoids, a high-fiber diet can lower your risk.

Additionally, fiber is important in lowering blood cholesterol levels, particularly LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Soluble fiber containing foods help in this area and include beans, flaxseed, oat and oat bran.

High fiber foods also assist with weight loss. Because they require more effort in chewing, your body recognizes that it is full much more quickly. High fiber diets keep you feeling fuller longer as well. When you eat high fiber foods, you're less likely to overeat and you stay full longer. These foods are also "energy dense" and this means you can eat more of them and consume fewer calories.

People who struggle with blood sugar levels also benefit from fiber. Soluble fiber helps to absorb sugar and this is beneficial to those who suffer from diabetes. A high fiber diet can also reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

There have been studies showing that a high fiber diet can also prevent colorectal cancer. However, more information is being sought on this claim. It is well-known that high-fiber foods are beneficial to the colon and digestive tract, but one should not replace a high fiber diet for regular colon check-ups. Read the rest of this entry »

Tips For Healthy Brain


There is a lot we can do to keep our brains healthy and potentially prevent
or lessen the cognitive decline that often comes with aging.

The Alliance for Aging Research recommends these steps for improving
your brain health.

- Eat a Brain-Healthy Diet. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids
(commonly found in fish), protein, antioxidants, fruits and vegetables and
vitamin B; low in trans fats; and with an appropriate level of carbohydrates
will help keep your brain healthy.

- Stay Mentally Active. Activities such as learning a new skill or
language, working on crossword puzzles, taking classes, and learning how to
dance can help challenge and maintain your mental functioning.

- Exercise Regularly. Exercising often can increase circulation,
improve coordination, and help prevent conditions that increase the risk of
dementia such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

- Stay Social. Spending time with friends, volunteering, and traveling
can keep your mind active and healthy.

- Get Plenty of Sleep. Not getting enough sleep can have a negative
impact on brain health.

- Manage Stress. Participating in yoga, spending time with friends, or
doing other stress-relieving activities can help preserve your ability to
remember and learn.

- Prevent Brain Injury. Wearing protective head gear and seat belts
can help you avoid head injury, which has been associated with an increased
risk of dementia.

- Control Other Health Conditions. Maintaining a healthy weight,
exercising, eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet, and controlling
stress can help reduce your risk of diseases that affect your brain,
including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and hypertension.

- Avoid Unhealthy Habits. Smoking, heavy drinking and use of
recreational drugs can increase the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.

- Consider Your Genes. If your family history puts you at risk for
developing dementia, work with your doctor to find ways to maintain your
brain health to help avoid or slow the progression of cognitive decline. Read the rest of this entry »

Health Benefit Of Ginger

. Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In Eastern societies, ginger has always been known for its healing powers. Pythagorus was one of its greatest supporters in Ancient Greece. King Henry VIII of England used it to protect against the plague. Though we don't know for sure if ginger can actually protect you from the plague, we do know that it is beneficial in many other ways.

The American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City has conducted a classic study on motion sickness, which may cause you to leave the dramamine on the shelf during your next vacation.
By spinning motion sickness-prone students in two groups-one group was given Dramamine, the other group ginger -- it was discovered that the group given the ginger was able to withstand the full 6 minute "spin" with less nausea and dizziness, while the other group stopped the ride within 4-1/2 minutes.

Japanese researchers believe the gingerols found in ginger, may be responsible for blocking the body's reflex to vomit. Taking 1/4 teaspoon 20 minutes before a car or boat trip should give you about 4 hours of relief. Another popular remedy is 3 or 4 slices of sliced ginger in a cup of boiling water to make ginger tea. Sip as needed to relieve nausea caused by motion sickness.

Denmark researchers have discovered that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandins. These are substances that cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, which leads to migraines. Though the results are still experimental, 1/3 teaspoon of fresh of powdered ginger taken when you feel a migraine coming on can help stop pain before it starts. Using the same theory, ginger has been found to produce "marked" relief in arthritis pain. The ginger tea described above or 1/2 teaspoon of ginger is recommended by Danish researchers for arthritis relief.

A researcher at Cornell University Medical College discovered that ginger has an effect on blood clots that is similar to that of aspirin. By the same token, it appears that high cholesterol levels are lowered using the same active ingredient, thromboxane.

When buying ginger, fresh is best! Be sure to avoid ginger with dry, wrinkled, skin, mold or soft spots. African and Indian ginger are the most potent. Grating or using a garlic press will give you the maximum benefit.

Ginger can definitely give you many benefits but more is not always better. An ounce a day should give you all the benefits you will need. Read the rest of this entry »

Coconut Oil


Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, increasing their energy, and getting healthier.

For centuries people have been using coconuts and coconut oil to stay healthy and lean.

Find out how coconut oil is helping thousands of people like you become healthier, have more energy and lose weight for good.

Coconut oil diets are becoming increasingly popular as people are discovering out how coconut oil helps them lose weight, increase their metabolism, and even fight disease.

Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it. Coconut oil is wonderful diet addition for just about everyone. Read the rest of this entry »

Eating Fish Migh Help body and Brain


When it's omega-3 fatty acids, the kind found in many kinds of fish, it can help lower blood pressure and prevent heart attack and stroke, according to the American Heart Association. They also say it can decrease the risk of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, which can lead to sudden cardiac death.

The American Heart Association recommends that Americans eat fish at least two times a week. They recommend mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon. These "fatty fish" provide two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They're also a good source of protein and don't have the high saturated fat of some meats.

"But we're finding more and more that physicians are saying, when there's some type of inflammation in the blood vessels, it can lead to plaque build-up, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

"What they're finding is that people have inflammation on the blood vessels just like you have inflammation on the surface of the skin," she says.

Omega-3 fatty acids help keep blood vessels smooth and elastic, says McClune, a cardiovascular nurse. Omega-3 fatty acids also can help increase high-density lipoproteins, or HDL, the "good" cholesterol. (The "bad" cholesterol is LDL, or low-density lipoproteins).

The old saw about fish being good brain food has its basis in fact, she says.
that protein is essential for brain function, as are certain fats. The omega-3 fatty acids help with conduction of the electrical impulses."

Ussually tell people it's something that doesn't take long to prepare.For someone who's working, fish is something that 's easy to fix."

Fish also is low in calories, as long as it's not deep-fried or prepared with other high-saturated fats, Raible says.

Many people aren't sure how to cook fish. Others don't like the fishy taste.

These folk might try halibut, cod or talapia, says Howard Darrow, operations chef at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant, Southside Works. They have a milder flavor than more robust species such as salmon, swordfish, perch and walleye.

People who want to cook fish at home shouldn't feel like they're swimming upstream, Darrow says. Most fish recipes are relatively simple to prepare.
A nice place to start is salmon, Whether it's farm-raised or wild, salmon is very high in omega-3, very good for the heart. There's so many different ways you can prepare it."

These include poaching, broiling or steaming. It also can be lightly sauteed with canola oil.

Steaming fish, that's something that very easy to do at home,.You can use your vegetable steamer and keep the fish out of the water and cook the fish with the lid on."
Flavoring fish doesn't require slathering on high-fat tartar sauce.

"You can use Old Bay seasoning. You could season it with lemon grass and lemon zest to get more of a citrus flavor that would go great with white rice and steamed broccoli or asparagus."
Another option is buying a nice piece of yellowfin tuna and rolling it in Cajun spice, Fish-oil supplements are another option, although not as effective. Read the rest of this entry »

Tips For Healthy Eyes

. Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Statistics suggest that by the time we reach 60, one in 12 of us will be blind or partially sighted. As it is National Eye Health Week (December 10-16), we find out how to slow the march of time and ensure you and your family enjoy good sight for years to come.
Forget a healthy sex drive or even being able to walk - given the choice most of us would sacrifice both of those if it meant we didn't lose our ability to see, according to the latest research.
It's the sense we apparently value above all others, yet looking after our sight seems to be a hit-and-miss affair, with half the population mistakenly thinking that not sitting too close to the TV, reading in a good light, and wearing an eye mask at night is enough to protect their eyes, according to a survey by eye care manufacturers Bausch & Lomb.

In reality, a regular eye test is one of the most effective safeguards, particularly as we get older when we are more at risk of eye conditions such as glaucoma and AMD (age-related macular degeneration).
This bellow tips to healthy eyes
*To clean your eyes thoroughly, wash them with cold water. Splash water into your eyes for best results.
* If your eyes are strained, soak cotton balls in chilled water or milk, and keep one on each eye for 10 minutes.
* Consume a diet rich in vitamin A.
* For treating dark circles around the eyes, cut slices of cucumber or potato, and keep them on your eyes for 15 minutes.
* To have sparkling eyes, soak amala in water over night, strain it in the morning in a clean cloth, and wash your eyes with this water.
*Exercise your eyes daily. Simple exercises like looking at a distant object and looking at an object at arms length can be done.
* Make sure that you remove eye makeup completely before going to bed.
*If you suffer from headaches frequently, get your eyes checked for any defect in vision.
*Do not read in dim light, or while lying down.

Follow our guide, with advice from the experts, to keep your eyes healthy…

Wearing someone else's glasses may damage your eyes.
This just isn't true, although you may not be able to see very well with them and may get a headache or double vision, you won't come to any harm from wearing glasses that are not your prescription (unless you're driving a motor vehicle).

Watching TV too much or too closely will damage eyes.
Kids will be delighted to know that this warning isn't true, but parents can fall back on the fact too much viewing can make your eyes tired or cause a headache. You're particularly vulnerable if TV's viewed in the dark when you are effectively looking at a moving light, like a torch.

Follow our alternative advent calendar

Masturbation makes you go blind.
No, the only correlation between the two is that semen contains a large amount of zinc and a deficiency in zinc (although nearly impossible to achieve solely by masturbating) will cause a decline in a person's vision.

Exercising eye muscles can allow you to 'throw away your glasses'.
People (normally) need specs because of the shape and size of their eye (i.e. their eyes are too big or too small). Exercises won't help this.

Not wearing your glasses will make you depend upon them less.
If you don't wear your glasses you may become more accustomed to the blur and won't remember how bad it is, and thereby think that your eyes have got better (when they haven't).

Eating carrots improves eyesight.
There's some truth in this as carrots are a source of vitamin A, which is important for the eyes. Before embarking on an all-carrot diet, bear in mind that it's more important for eye health to have a balanced diet that supports your all-round health. Poor nutrition is implicated in diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Using your eyes too much can wear them out.
Your eyes will last for a lifetime if they are healthy (or have conditions that are treatable). Eye health has nothing to do with the number of hours you use them. Read the rest of this entry »