The Benefit of Whole Grain

. Monday, July 21, 2008
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It may seem tough to make your children eat whole grain breads. This is because they didn’t start it out at their younger age. To be precise, they didn’t “acquire” the taste of whole grain bread as they did with white bread. Had they started it earlier, you may not have to battle it out to make your children eat their whole grain bread. Give your children a chance to develop the taste for whole grain bread at their earlier age itself. Expose them to healthy, whole grain foods.

We put a lot of stress on developing a taste for whole grain food because they are storehouses of fiber, which, like any other nutrient, is essential for your diet. Fiber helps in making the bowel elimination process much easier. Fiber makes the stool softer and bulkier. Fiber can also help you in controlling your food because you will get a feeling of being full by a meager dose of fiber. It has been found out by many researchers that people eating food with high fiber content are less susceptible to heart attacks and stores as compared to those who don’t include whole grains in their diet.

Moreover, whole grains break down at a slower pace and won’t spike your blood sugar levels. Refined white flour is a risk for diabetics. High fructose corn syrup and refined wheat are found to be major causes for the increasing cases of Juvenile diabetes. Hence, whole wheat bread is far better than white bread. So, make whole wheat bread a default inclusion in the breakfast of your children.