Healthy Weight Loss, Fat and Cellulite

. Saturday, July 12, 2008
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Any healthy weight loss program should explain the properties and health benefits of fat, as well as help you lose the excess. So let’s trake a look at fat and cellulite and how one affects the other.


Cellulite is a term used to describe excess fatty deposits on the body, Cellulite is not a medical term. It is a term coined in European salons and spas. Medical authorities have found that cellulite is simply ordinary fatty tissue. Strands of fibrous tissue connect the skin to deeper tissue layers and also separate compartments that contain fat cells.

When fat cells increase in size as excess fat accumulates, these compartments bulge and produce a waffled appearance of the skin.

You can lose excess fat by intervening with a healthy diet, an exercise program and other supportive tools such as body brushing and massage. These naturally lead you in the direction of health with accompanying loss of fat over time. With patience and persistence, you can achieve a body in which only a healthy amount of fat exists.

Causes Of Excess Fat

* Poor nutrition from eating foods that are not conducive to health, and often in excess
* Repeated crash dieting
* Sedentary lifestyle with Insufficient or perhaps complete lack of exercise
* A hormonal imbalance as a result of the first two factors of poor nutrition and a sedentary

Hormonal imbalance can also be due to medication, psychological factors, pregnancy or some form of ill health of the endocrine or other body system. In such cases a healthy weight loss program may need to be carried out in conjunction with appropriate medical or other specialist attention.

Notes on Fat

In many cultures, fat is given a bad rap. Many people are afraid of accumulating excess fat for fear of social judgment or criticism. However, a healthy body needs a certain amount of fat to function.

Some facts about fat

* Fat insulates ceils and organs and plays a rote in immune system function and in reproductive health. A healthy body has a layer of fat beneath the skin as insulation.
* Fat serves as an energy reserve for times of need.