. Monday, July 21, 2008
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Insomnia is a sleeping ailment. It is the inability to get sufficient sleep. If you are not able to fall asleep within half an hour of going to sleep, you might be suffering from this ailment. People often have the tendency to take sleeping pills or consume a peg of liquor before going to bed. This is another symptom of being insomniac. Those who wake frequently during night and wake up at unusual early hours are also victims of this ailment.

The environment, your lifestyle and health are the root causes of insomnia. Pain commonly disturbs sleep. You will definitely not sleep well if you are unwell. Talking about lifestyle, it solely depends upon you. You need to be concerned if you have shift work, because it often causes distortion in your sleeping habits. Frequent changes in working hours can lead to insomnia. It also depends upon your eating habits. Poor eating habits, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption are also causes for being insomniac.

Help yourself to drive away the insomniac in you. Create an atmosphere in your bedroom where you could get your regular dose of sleep. Do not use your bedroom for reading, writing and doing work. Keep the place warm and not hot. Cut down all stimulants like caffeine, cigarette and alcohol before going to bed. Regular exercise also makes you feel good and can prevent this disorder. Gentle exercise can help you sleep better.

Insomnia can cause a variety of physical and mental problems. So it is suggested to take care of your dose of sleep, so that you can do well if you sleep well.