. Saturday, August 23, 2008
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The Liver, as mentioned before in my article "Weight gain, the Result of a Tired Toxic liver?" is very important to the body as it is responsible for more than 400 processes,which includes emulsifying fats. It follows therefore that must take special care of the liver so that it can do its job efficiently and have an effect on weight gain.
* Starting the day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice benefits bile formation which is essential for optimal fat metabolism and helps to regenerate the liver.I t also promotes peristalsis the movement in the bowels that keeps waste moving along the digestive tract and out the body for elimination.
* Cranberry juice also seems to digest fatty globules in the lymph. A teaspoon of psyllium and /or flaxseed oil is a good source of phyto nutrients. This fibre blocks the absorption of fat, increases fat excretion and binds toxins so that they are not reabsorbed.
* Drinking 8 glasses of water a day assists the liver in diluting and expelling the body's wastes. Water also helps empty stubborn fat stores, because the liver is more efficient at using stored fat for energy when the body is well hydrated.
* Flaxseed oil is great for raising metabolism and is able to attract and bind to the oil soluble poisons that lodge in the liver and carry them out of the system. the essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil also stimulate bile production which is crucial to the break down of fat.
* Eating protein daily restores the liver's health . Protein raises metabolism by 25% and activates the production of enzymes needed during detoxification to break down toxins into water soluble substances for excretion. Protein also provides amino acids such as cysteine that your body needs to produce the antioxidant gluthationeThis enzyme is one of several the overcomes the damaging free radicals produced in the liver during detoxification. Red meat such as lean beef or lamb are high in L carnitine which normalizes liver enzymes in the blood and in the metabolism of fatty acids.
* Eating fresh vegetables daily helps keep the liver healthy. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale high in sulforaphane. The liver uses sulforaphane to change toxins into non toxic waste for expulsion.
* Eggs are needed by the liver to regulate bile production. It is also needed to produce lecithin which helps prevent cholesterol oxidation, which is harmful to the liver.

Foods to exclude from the diet include caffeine, sugar, alcohol, yeast based foods such as bread and soy sauce ,vinegars, except apple cider vinegar, and trans fat.