. Saturday, August 30, 2008
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Herbal medicine is obtained from small plants or parts of plants. They were traditional used for medicinal purpose. They are considered as the natural remedy for various health disorders. These herbs and the parts of plant like stem, leaves and roots, which has healing capacity, are used all over the world. These plant extracts are converted into various forms like liquid, tablets, creams, oils and ointment and are used for treatment.
The increase in its popularity has made openings to many studies and researches and day by day you can find many people approaching for herbal medicine. Herbalist is also referred as phytotherapist.
Herbal supplement are generally used to improve ones general health or for specific problem. These are made either from specific herbs or mixture of herbs. As they are natural and obtained from plants it does not have any chemical and toxics, which means its safe. Like any other treatment this also requires professional advice. The research in this field is developing rapidly and they have come out with miracles. The trend seems to also change, as people prefer herbal treatment better than the others.
The commonly used herbs are aloe vera, ginger root, green tea, bitter orange, ginkgo biloba and many others. They give remarkable results for digestion, flu and cold, anti-aging, weight reduction, memory enhancement, immune system, reduce stress and many more.
Apart from these major diseases like diabetics, ortho problems, obesity, heart problem, mental disorders have been treated successfully. These proven results has made herbal supplement to stabilize firmly in the minds of people recently. For some people it has given a permanent cure.
There are many varieties and one can have endless study on it, many courses are also been offered. Using herbs domestically for general health has become indispensable.
However you cannot risk trying with the herbs if you are ignorant. Few methods and precautions are given to enrich your awareness.
* Dried herbs need to be used three times more than the fresh ones.
* Begin with small quantity to test how it suits you.
* When you mix herbs in food, which requires cooking, it is better to add at the end.
* Many a times you can add with salt and pepper you mix.
* Many herbs require to be taken when fresh, so check with the type.
* If you desire to mix with liquids you can add well in advance or sometimes even overnight.
* Many herbs are compactable even if you mix with other herbs but of course there are some which do not blend.
* If you are using dried herbs crush them well before adding.
* Syrups can be prepared by boiling in water with honey. This can be refrigerated and used as desired.
Would you like to know how herbs used for external treatment?
* Fermentation is done with a cloth soaked in warm tea and applied in the affected area to give a soothing effect.
* Poultice is where the tea is soaked and applied directly.
* Plaster is done by taking herbs in clean cloth and plastering it externally.
* Oil is prepared by soaking the herbs in olive oil for a desired period and preserved for use.
* It can also be added to the bathing water and you could feel the effect when the skin absorbs it.
It may give you good results and may build confidence but you may have to apply caution in the following areas.

* It is never advisable for children and pregnant women.
* They may sound good and popular in brands but do not consume without your physician recommendation.
* Less knowledge is dangerous so explore well before you decide.
* It is not true if people say it has no side effects most of the herbal medicines have side effects. To name a few, green tea is famous for increasing metabolism which helps in weight reduction but they also get you vomiting, diarrhoea
* Ephedra and bitter orange decreases your appetite but also leads to many heart problems and high blood pressure.
* The power of herbs vary and when obtained from a plant one part could be a healing herb where as the other could lead you to allergy, say the leaves of a plant may give a medicinal effect where as the stem causes allergy and is dangerous when consumed. Hence, this calls for professionalism.
As you discover the potential of herbal supplements you could relax to have a healthy body and sound mind. Though many herbs have standard characteristics and proven history it is required for you to update constantly. The availability of many online guidance and courses not only enlighten you in many areas, it also never fails to lead you to a better lifestyle and better living.