Avocado - Secret Of Healthy Living

. Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Do you know that Avocado is not a Vegetable but a Fruit? This Pear shaped and lumpy textured fruit has delicious creamy taste with various health benefits.

Avocado is considered as Nutrition Powerhouse as it includes necessary minerals like potassium, calcium, variety vitamins, folic acid, copper, sodium and dietary fibers. It is a good source of Monounsaturated Fat which is very essential for heart. Avocado is a Fruit to Enjoy with many health benefits.

Healthy Heart
According to American Heart Association, our diet should include low to Moderate fat and the fat should be mainly Mono-unsaturated fats. It can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Avocado is the only fruit which has Mono-unsaturated fat.
Monounsaturated fats are also typically high in vitamin E, an antioxidant vitamin.

Healthy Eyes
Avocado is a good source of Vitamin A, E and C which are very essential for healthy eyes. Also it contains 81 mgs of the carotenoid lutein which helps to maintain healthy eyes.

Protects against Cancer
Avocado is used both in prevention and treatment of prostate and breast cancers. Scientists have proved that a toxin in avocado kills the cancer cells. This toxin has a great effect on the tissues, particularly heart muscle tissues.

Anti aging and healthy skin
Vitamin E helps to slow the aging process and protects against heart disease and various forms of cancer. Also, Vitamin E is useful to prevent and treat Skin Disorder. Avocado Oil is used in various cosmetics due to its capacity to nourish and glow the skin. Raw Avocado and avocado oil is used to treat skin diseases like Eczema.

Blood Pressure
By lowering sodium food and increasing potassium-rich food in your diet helps you to lower and control the High Blood Pressure. Avocado contains good amount of potassium which helps to reduce and control High Blood Pressure. Avocado is low in sodium, which helps to maintain normal blood pressure.

Boost Fertility
Avocado is a good source of Vitamin E which has shown boost fertility in men by protecting sperm cell layers from free radical and increase sperm motility. Because of this reason avocado is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

As a great source of Calcium, Avocado is good for bones. That is why elderly and younger people should include Avocado in their diet for protection of older bones, growth and development of younger bones. Also, Avocado Oil is largely used to treat Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Stomach health
Avocado is a Good source of dietary fiber. Soluble and Insoluble fiber make stools soft and easy to pass. Adequate intake of fibers also prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disorders.

Perfect Baby Food
Avocado has very smooth, creamy texture and subtle taste which truly is perfect for babies. It is a time saving Baby Food, as Avocado can be served raw. Also, it provides more vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, Magnesium, Potassium than other veggies and fruits, which are very essential for growth of babies.