. Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Medicine of china, which includes herbal medicine, exercise, massage and diet. Acupuncture Therapy has been practised for over 3.000 years and has developed a complex and detailed understanding of the workings of the body.
Chinese medicine regard disease as a result of an imbalace in the flow of the body's vital energy. The treatment aims to restore the flow of this energy so correcting the problem which undelies the specific symptoms.
A wide variety of conditions can be helped, form acute physical injury to chronic pain, emotional prolems to addictions, chronic diseases to non specific feelings of unwellness
Accupunture each a diagnosis , the acupuncturist question the person about their symptoms and current situation, and will also ask about family history, lifestyle and past medical history. they will feel the pulse and cunduct a physical examination if appropiate. having reached a diagnosis the treatment can begin.
The practitioner will insert very fine needles at specific points to restore the flow of prounanced chee energy. the practitioner may also advise the person on lifesytle, diet or exercise to assist the healing process
Treatment are generally weekly at first, gradually reducing as the condition imprves. the number of treatment required depends on the nature of the illness, its duration, and how the person respond to acupuncture . the practitioner can advise on this at the first consultation.