Wheat Grass

. Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Wheatgrass juice is a specific food which can assist in fighting a whole range of chronic ailments - from simple anemia to leukemia; from a simple skin rash to skin cancer, from worms to ulcers. It may not be to everyone’s taste but including it in a juice is an easy way to receive its benefits. The chlorophyll content (chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color) in wheatgrass is extremely beneficial. It has been reported that Chlorophyll has regenerative properties and studies have supported its power as an immune booster, free radical fighter, energizer and promoter of healthy circulation.
Green plant cells are the only ones capable of absorbing energy directly from the sun and storing it as the chemical chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the pigment plants use to turn sunlight, water, carbon dioxide into glucose.
Wheatgrass contains all amino acids, is full of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, vitamins A, C and Bs, is high in iron and vitamin K. And we mustn’t forget about the enzymes wheatgrass juice delivers. Enzymes are complex protein compounds produced by living cells that speed up biochemical reactions required for proper and normal functioning of every organ system and have also been found to aid digestion! Grow your own wheatgrass or buy it at the local farmers market