. Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Detoxification is the process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins from body. by eliminating harmful toxins, it seeks to enable the body to heal itself and return to health.
one of the oldest known medical treatments,detoxification historically was achieved by fasting deliberately abstaining from food for a time. in modern times, with concern over environmental contaminants,detoxification is advocated by some as a necessary means of staying healthy.
A toxin is anything that causes an irritation in the body or has a harmful effect on it. in addition to the effect of pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives,and heavy metals, many people add to their toxic intake by ingesting legal and illegal drugs.
Among the several therapies available for detoxification, some are more intrusive than others. it is recommended that professional advice be obtained when selecting a particular program. the major detoxification therapy categories : fasting, specific diets,vitamin therapy,colon therapy.
Detoxification therapies should not be undertaken without medical supervision. There is limited research data available to prove that detoxification therapies work, and more scientific studies need to be done to demonstrate that particular therapies are beneficial.
some detoxification methods are potentially dangerous, with side effects ranging from dehydration to bowel perforation. Unsupervised detoxification should not be tried by anyone who is underweight,pregnant, recovering from substance abuse, nor by those suffering from diabetes , thyroid problems, or an eating disorder.