. Monday, November 3, 2008
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One must understand that the body is actually programmed to hold on to fat. So eating less than the usual amount of food, or skipping meals triggers what the body considers to be a 'famine'. The result is that it will begin breaking down muscle and losing water in order to hold on to its fat reserves. While formula diets advertise that you can lose up to 10 pounds in a week, but remember this: medical authorities state that is physically impossible to lose more than 900g (2lb) of body fat in a week. So what is being lost is tissues that include connective, muscle and lean tissue and mineral deposits, and this should be replaced with good vitamin supplements.
Vitamins for weight loss is vital, because if one cuts down on the intake, while burning off calories with exercise or workouts, then there is every possibility of imbalance. Vitamin supplements ensure that the type of calories, which is also an important factor in this equation, are going into the body and maintaining the balance. What one needs to consider what type of calories are being consumed - whether they come in the form of fat, carbohydrates or protein.
Apart from this weight loss vitamins depend on minerals like Chromium and Zinc for the production of hormones to regulate fat. Chromium is well researched and the studies show it is an important component of weight loss vitamin supplement as it aids in metabolism of sugar and glucose tolerance.