Eating disorders are a life threatening problem and unfortunately the prevalence of eating disorders are increasing as society puts huge pressure on women and men to attain the "ideal"body. the pressure individuals feel to be accepted, to succeed at particular sport,or take control of at least one aspect of their life can trigger an eating disorder.
An eating disorder is defined as a group of disorders characterized by physiological and psychological disturbances in appetite or food intake. Eating disorders have also been defined as the misuse of eating in an attempt to solve or hide from problems that seem to have no answers,a psychological illness that leads you to eat either too much or too little,an extreme preoccupation with food,diet and exercise resulting in an illness which can disable a person physically and emotionally.
Serious health complications are side effect of eating disorders. Those with anorexia,liver damage,destruction of teeth,rupture of esophagus,loss of muscle muss, infertility,destruction of menstrual cycle,anemia,weakened immune system,fainting spells,mental fuzziness,permanent loss of bone mass,bone fractures and eventually death. Compulsive overeating may lead to problems with arthritis,cardiovascular disease,diabetes and bowel.breast and reproductive cancers.
Anorexia is self imposed starvation accompanied by an intense fear of gaining weight
persons suffering from anorexia willfully starve. themselves to the point where they have lost 15 percent of their ideal body weight. They lose a sense of reality and continue to see themselves as overweight when they are already person with anorexia may exhibit the following
- extreme weight loss
- loss of menstrual period
- withdrawal
- Excessive exercise routine
- preoccupation with food
- Mood swings
- Malnutrition
- Icy hand and fee
- Denial of hunger or illness
- Swollen neck glands
- Excess facial and body hair
- Dry, blotchy skin
Bulimia is compulsive binge-eating followed by purging through the use of laxative ,diuretics,vomiting,exercising and/or fasting. Eating becomes an obsession to bulimic,who is also driven to be thin, even thought the individual's weight may remain within the normal range. The binge/purge cycle may cause physical problems such as dehydration,damage to the throat,esophagus and stomach problems,decay of teeth or even death may result. person with bulimia may exhibit the following
- Binge-eating and purging through vomiting
- Abusive use of laxatives, diuretics
- Excessive exercise routine
- Dry,blotching skin
- Secretive behavior about eating
- Commonly fasting then binge-eating
- Mood swings/irritability
_ Sore throats
_ Depression, apathy
_ swollen neck glands
_ Preoccupation with food
_ Hands with cuts or teeth marks
_ Weakness
Compulsive Overeating
Compulsive overeating, is also known as binge eating disorder, is not readily discussed as a type of eating disorder .but this should not take away from the importance and seriousness of the disorder. IT involves binge eating without the purging behaviors typical in bulimia. Emotional factors and anxiety often cause compulsive overeating, as the person turns to food for comfort when stressed or upset. Compulsive overeating are often overweight, but not all people who are obese are compulsive overeating
Eating disorders are treatable and people do recover from them. The complications mentioned above should encourage people to seek treatment, not give up and sink into despair. sooner is better than later. The sooner treatment is begun,the sooner the person can develop personal strength and begin to create a more fulfilling life.
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