. Sunday, November 2, 2008
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What is organic food?

Organic food is grown 'naturally' with nil or minimal use of harmful chemicals. Organic food is not the same as 'spray-free' or 'residue-free'. Organic production is based on positive management systems which reduce or eliminate the need for most agricultural chemicals. One of the main differences between conventional and organic food production is the requirement for organic certification. Organic certifiers represent the consumer with a guarantee that the food is grown to an acceptable organic production standard.

Organic fresh produce and ingredients are grown without the routine use of agricultural chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, growth regulators, colour and flavour enhancers.

Organic processed products have been made using organic ingredients and with nil or minimal use of synthetic additives like stabilisers, emulsifiers, antioxidants, preservatives and colourants.
Organic food reduces the incidence of toxic residues in your diet. Consumers buy and support organic food because they believe organic food is:

* safer - no or minimal pesticides and other harmful chemicals
* more nutritious - some comparative studies show higher levels of minerals in organic food than conventionally grown food
* higher quality than conventionally grown food - it has better taste, better storage and is more wholesome
* better for the environment - organic production methods have less impact on soils, water, and ecological systems than conventional agriculture.