(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=408)Duku Fruits as Health Food Products from the Nature
Vegetables and fruits that have been known by many people, have many benefits for our bodies, there are benefits that we already know, and there also we do not know, and actually if we know the benefits of fruits and vegetables can maintain our bodies to keep healthy, but of course we must also eat other types of food such as eggs, meat and fish, although without actually consume the various food types, such as the vegetarian, they are still healthy and even some of them say they feel more strongly against various diseases, compared before becoming vegetarian, and now I want to share some of the benefits of health food products from nature that can be used as medicine in our lives.
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(My Original Blog Post: -*http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=403)For healthier desserts, chose something from this list.
1. Frozen yogurt. Replace your ice cream with a healthy alternative that provides calcium as well as curbs that sweet tooth.
2. Frozen fruit bar. Look for a bar with no added sugar, just pure fruit goodness, for a nutritious dessert.
3. Fresh melon salad. Mix cantaloupe and honeydew with some fresh mint leaves and honey for a delicious dessert that is very healthy.
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Healthy Dessert
(My Original Blog Post: -*http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=397)
For healthier desserts, chose something from this list.
1. Frozen yogurt. Replace your ice cream with a healthy alternative that provides calcium as well as curbs that sweet tooth.
2. Frozen fruit bar. Look for a bar with no added sugar, just pure fruit goodness, for a nutritious dessert.
3. Fresh melon salad. Mix cantaloupe and honeydew with some fresh mint leaves and honey for a delicious dessert that is very healthy.
Read the rest of this entry »Tips Of Healthy Foods
(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=393)
-Healthy Foods Tip #1: Green Vegetables
Vegetables such as spinach and cabbage are very significant in maintaining a healthy body. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. How do they help accelerate weight loss? They are water-rich, which means you are actually filling yourself up with liquids instead of fatty calories.
-Healthy Foods Tip #2: Fatty Fish
Did you read that right? Yes, it says fatty! Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines have omega-3 fats. Despite all the hoopla surrounding the fat-free weight loss craze, your body does in fact need good fat for optimal weight loss performance. Omega-3 fats also takes care of our heart. It prevents stroke and lowers bad cholesterol in our body.
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Healthy Life With Healthy Food
(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=390)
The majority of you don't know the way to make yourself healthy. Naturally you will also be in a position to drop weight if you could be a bit plump.
However, it isn't that simple to stay with a healthful diet food since we are generally nearly convinced to eat some unhealthy foods like fries, fast foods and oily foods.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=356)
Some foods are so incredibly packed with important nutrients that they have become known as super foods. Read about these super foods and you may discover a new favorite food that is great for your body.
1. Acai. Known as one of the most nutritious berries in the world, use this juice in a smoothie or drink on its own.
2. Goji berries. Give this latest super food a try. One of these little Himalayan berries has more vitamin C than an orange and more beta carotene than carrots.
3. Cacao nibs. The heart of the cocoa bean, this little bit of raw chocolate is full of antioxidants as well as flavonoids that help your heart and have been reported to significantly elevate your mood. Try some covered in chocolate for a combination of the raw and finished product.
4. Buckwheat. Full of protein and high in amino acid, buckwheat also helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce hypertension. Japanese soba noodles and buckwheat pancakes are two delicious ways to eat this food.
5. Chili peppers. Packed with vitamin C, these hot little numbers also contain antioxidants and help burn fat.
6. Sprouts. For protein and vitamin C, sprinkle some sprouts on your salad or use in your sandwich along with your leafy green lettuce.
7. Rhubarb. High in potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, rhubarb also helps reduce hot flashes in menopausal women.
8. Pumpkin seeds. These seeds are loaded with phytosterols, which help lower cholesterol, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iron.
9. Cinnamon. Containing polyphenols, the same agent in green tea, cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
10. Shallots. Replace or use in addition to garlic and onion to get the benefits of this vegetable that helps promote the good bacteria in your digestive tract and help eliminate toxins from your liver.
11. Turmeric. A popular spice used in Indian dishes, it has been used for hundreds of years to treat arthritis. Use it with chicken or in Indian curry to help reduce inflammation due to arthritis or any other cause.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=381)
Hay friends Valentine's Day is right at the threshold and I can see that the world turned out to be just insanely excited about it. Me too of no exception! I cannot wait any more to reach out to my loved buddies who stay far away with my heartfelt Valentine's Day thoughts.
I'm just making a list of friends who I have to wish this Valentine's Day. 24 names till now. What about you? If you are really crazy about love, check out these really romantic myspace Valentine's Day comments and try these to reach out to your pals and sweetheart to add special fervor to their Valentine's Day celebration. Let them know how badly you are missing your love this Valentine's day
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=358)Making it between meals can sometimes be hard without a snack. Instead of reaching for a bag of potato chips or driving through to pick up fries, try these snacks instead.
1. Energy bar. Some energy bars are specifically designed for women such as Luna Bars, which are organic and have plenty of calcium, folate, iron and antioxidants.
2. Granola bar. Make your own or buy some with natural sweeteners for a healthy between-meal snack.
3. Pretzels. This crunchy snack is high in fiber and protein.
4. Multigrain crackers. Eat these by themselves or put some healthy treats on top for a delicious snack full of whole grains and fiber.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=354)Foods that are high in antioxidants help reverse the damaging effects of oxygen on the cells in your body. The benefits of antioxidants include anti-aging as well as prevention for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.
1. Kidney beans. With these inexpensive beans you get protein, fiber, folate, magnesium, and iron. Try substituting kidney beans for meat in your next meal.
2. Blueberries. Full of vitamin C and potassium, these little berries are full of nutrition and reportedly are one of the foods highest in antioxidants.
3. Plums. Available almost year round, these fruits have plenty of vitamins A, B, C, fiber, and potassium.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=352)
Nuts, Beans, and Grains
These foods provide lots of protein and are a great substitute for red meat. Find out how to add these healthy foods in to your diet.
1. Lentils. These little powerhouses are super high in iron, protein, and fiber. They also have lots of potassium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, phosphorus and copper. Also, lentils have absolutely no fat.
2. Quinoa. Quinoa is a fun substitute for rice and is a great source of iron, which women need in their diet.
3. Barley. Another grain not frequently used outside of beer, it is full of protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus and iron.
4. Brown rice. Replace your white rice with brown rice to get tons of health benefits including a reduced risk for diabetes, colon cancer, heart disease, and lower cholesterol.
5. Peanut butter. Not just for sandwiches, dip apples or celery in peanut butter for food high in protein and fiber–and a good replacement for red meat.
6. Bulgur. Similar to cracked wheat, but requiring less cooking time, bulgur is a whole grain full of fiber, calcium, and protein.
7. Chickpeas. Throw these in a salad or make some simple hummus with these legumes full of protein, fiber, and folate
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=350)
Weight Loss
Losing weight seems to be a national pastime. Rather than jumping on a fad diet, change your menu to include these foods and see the difference it makes in your life.
1. Tortillas. Low in fat, tortillas make a good substitute for bread. Find whole wheat to really get the best for your body.
2. Water. This should be your drink of choice. It keeps you hydrated, suppresses your appetite, and helps metabolize fat.
3. Fruit smoothie. Add bananas, blueberries, apple juice, and wheat germ or protein powder for an excellent food to keep you healthy and encourage weight loss.
4. Whole wheat bagel. Filled with nutritious whole grains and low in sugar, bagels work for breakfast or as the bread for your sandwich at lunch.
5. Romaine lettuce. Give up iceberg lettuce, which has barely any nutritional value and use romaine for your salads and sandwiches.
6. Veggie burger. Filled with soy and other vegetables, this alternative to beef is significantly lower in calories and healthy too.
7. Dried papayas. Full of iron and vitamins C and A, dried papaya is good for you and the sweetness is a great substitute for a candy bar.
8. Spaghetti squash. Cook this healthy vegetable and replace the strands of it for the pasta in your spaghetti recipe for a delicious meal without the carbs.
9. Watermelon. Sweet and full of hydrating water, this fruit is a great food to fill you up without filling you out.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=348)
Bone Health
Women who work to create healthy bones experience fewer problems with osteoporosis in their later years. These foods are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients essential for bone health.
1. Leafy greens. The calcium in leafy greens absorbs much better in the body than calcium in dairy products.
2. Sesame seeds. High in calcium to prevent bone loss and have copper, which can reduce the swelling and pain associated with arthritis, and zinc, which also helps keep bones healthy, these tiny seeds are a big source of nutrition for bone health.
3. Beans. Beans are low in fat, high in fiber, inexpensive, and have a high amount of non-animal protein that helps prevent calcium loss.
4. Lowfat yogurt. Yogurt is high in calcium and is easier to digest than most other dairy products. It also contains lots of vitamin A and protein.
5. Tofu. Also high in protein and a great source of nutrition for your bone health, tofu is versatile and delicious.
6. Eggs. Not only are eggs loaded with protein, they are also full of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium more efficiently.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=334)
Losing weight for some people is the hardest thing they have ever had to do in their lives, to start something like that, the best route to take is to consult your doctor and get his input and he may refer you even farther down the weight loss road to a dietician or a nutritionist. They can help you avoid food pitfalls and misconceptions about weight loss and can help put together a plan of attack that will allow you to go after your unwanted pounds in a healthy manner.
And a lot of people will do that, take the advice of a physician or a dietician; but when it comes down to brass tacks, and things are not moving along as fast as they think they should be, or want them to....then they start thinking about the fad diets.
Most of these fad diets, or even diets that are supposedly sound; are still missing critical ingredients that would be found in a healthy weight loss program and because of that, the unhealthy plans do not work. They go against the grain of what is really a healthy plan for a person and many seem to emphasize just one or two areas of the food pyramid, not the whole pyramid.
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Lose Weight After Pregnancy
(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=332)
Okay, Sweetie, the Pregnancy Party is over. A new day is dawning in the PostPartum World, and you have to come face to face with reality. It is time to lose that weight you put on while you were pregnant the last 9 months of your life, and spent most of it in a continuous search for something to put in your mouth. Oh yes, we've heard it all before...you were eating for two....no one cares if I gain weight while I'm pregnant, that's normal.....yup, we've heard it all. Now it's time to get in touch with your will power, because to lose weight after pregnancy is a very long row to hoe.
Now that you have been out of control for a while, it will be difficult for you to go back to a normal pattern of eating; even an eating pattern that is less than what you ate normally to try and lessen your calorie intake some, to kick start the weight loss.
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=328)
1. Snack Smart
You can help prevent overeating and maintain blood sugar levels by eating something about every three hours. Getting too hungry will backfire on your efforts to eat healthy and practice portion control. Aim for a healthful, satisfying snack, such as an apple and some reduced-fat cheddar cheese. Eating more may seem counterintuitive, but smart snacking will help you lose weight.
2.Eat More Grains and produce
Whole grain and fruits do more than provide nutrients that improve your healht and reduce disease-risk, they can also help you lose weight. they're naturally low in calories, so you can eat more of them and have less room in your diet for less- than -healthful food. plus fiber in whole grain food and produce will help you.
3. Eat enough, often enough
One of the worst ways to lose weight? Meal skipping. Many people think skipping meals is a great way to cut calories, but in the end, they fail to lose weight. You'll be more likely to overeat or even binge (when you finally do eat) if you do not eat regular meals. Plus your body may go into "starvation mode" if don't eat enough, causing you to maintain (or even gain) rather than lose weight!
4. Drink plenty of water
Water helps you lose weight in several ways: If you tend to have a problem with "water weight," drinking more water can help alleviate bloating. Replacing high-cal drinks such as soda with water cuts hundreds of calories. You shouldn't wait until you're feeling thirsty to drink water; thirst can be mistaken for hunger, causing you to overeat. Proper hydration improves your sense of well-being, which will keep up your motivation to lose weight.
5. Get moving
It is virtually impossible to lose weight and keep it off without exercising regularly. Start out today by taking a brisk walk or riding a bike. Work your way up from 10 minutes to 30-40 minutes a day, most days a week, and you could reap health benefits and weight loss results in a matter of weeks. Plus, exercise boosts your metabolism, making it even easier to lose weight.
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Organic foods are becoming more and more popular. Witness the incredible growth of Whole Foods, a mostly-organic grocery store in the United States. But there are some things you should know before buying organic foods.
First, "organic" isn't regulated the same across states and even guidelines by the government for what constitutes "organic food" are not clear. Just because a food product says it's organic doesn't mean the same thing across product lines. Typically, organic produce is grown without the use of pesticides and fertilizer. Organic meat may be from animals fed strict diets. Read the label carefully to find out how organic your food really is.
Although it's debatable, you might find that organic food doesn't taste as good as traditional food. This is the case in products that have lots of additives like salt. People like salt, but it's not necessarily good for you. So your organic food that isn't injected with salt and various seasonings might not taste good to you.
One problem with organic food is that it tends to cost a lot more than non-organic food. You can expect to pay a 100% premium on some organic foods.
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It's OK to snack. When you were growing up your parents probably got on your case for snacking. You likely snacked on unhealthy treats like potato chips and cookies. But if you make a small effort you can eat healthy snacks that taste great too. Here are some of my favorite healthy snacks:
1. Apple with peanut butter - this health snack takes just a few minutes to prepare. Slice an apple (or use a decoring tool), spread on some Jiffy and you'll be snacking in a jiffy. You'll not only get the vitamins and fiber from the apple but also the protein from the peanut butter.
2. Ants on a log - this fun and healthy snack includes celery covered with peanut butter and topped with raisins (representing the ants). Here's a fun fact: eating celery actually results in a net loss of calories. Celery has so few calories that the act of chewing it burns more calories than you take in!
3. Cereal - think cereal is only for breakfast? Many cereals are packed with vitamins and fiber and are great for snacking in the evening. Pour a small bowl of your favorite cereal and munch on it like popcorn.
4. Rice cakes - before you say "blah", rice cakes come in more than just the bland unsalted variety. You can get them with various flavors (such as cinnamon) without giving up the nutritious value.
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