. Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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(My Original Blog Post:

Nuts, Beans, and Grains

These foods provide lots of protein and are a great substitute for red meat. Find out how to add these healthy foods in to your diet.

1. Lentils. These little powerhouses are super high in iron, protein, and fiber. They also have lots of potassium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, phosphorus and copper. Also, lentils have absolutely no fat.
2. Quinoa. Quinoa is a fun substitute for rice and is a great source of iron, which women need in their diet.
3. Barley. Another grain not frequently used outside of beer, it is full of protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus and iron.
4. Brown rice. Replace your white rice with brown rice to get tons of health benefits including a reduced risk for diabetes, colon cancer, heart disease, and lower cholesterol.
5. Peanut butter. Not just for sandwiches, dip apples or celery in peanut butter for food high in protein and fiber–and a good replacement for red meat.
6. Bulgur. Similar to cracked wheat, but requiring less cooking time, bulgur is a whole grain full of fiber, calcium, and protein.
7. Chickpeas. Throw these in a salad or make some simple hummus with these legumes full of protein, fiber, and folate