. Thursday, February 12, 2009
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(My Original Blog Post:
images13Foods that are high in antioxidants help reverse the damaging effects of oxygen on the cells in your body. The benefits of antioxidants include anti-aging as well as prevention for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

1. Kidney beans. With these inexpensive beans you get protein, fiber, folate, magnesium, and iron. Try substituting kidney beans for meat in your next meal.
2. Blueberries. Full of vitamin C and potassium, these little berries are full of nutrition and reportedly are one of the foods highest in antioxidants.
3. Plums. Available almost year round, these fruits have plenty of vitamins A, B, C, fiber, and potassium.
4. Strawberries. For a fruit that can protect your heart, guard against cancer, provide anti-inflammatory properties, and help prevent age-related macular degeneration, strawberries are the way to go.
5. Artichokes. Get magnesium, folic acid, fiber, and vitamins A and C with artichokes, which can help with a whole host of medical problems.
6. Blackberries. These plumb little tasties are full of vitamins B, C, and K as well as fiber and manganese.
7. Pecans. Full of vitamin E and great for lowering cholesterol, these nuts are great on their own or baked in a pie, cookies, or brownies.
8. Cherries. Rich red cherries are not only delicious, but are high in fiber and vitamins C and A. They are reported to help with arthritis, heart health, and sleep problems.
9. Honey. Chock full of antioxidants, this sweet treat also has antibacterial properties and works well for sore throats and coughs.
10. Apples. Long associated with healthy nutrition, an apple a day can provide heart and brain health benefits.