(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=332)
Okay, Sweetie, the Pregnancy Party is over. A new day is dawning in the PostPartum World, and you have to come face to face with reality. It is time to lose that weight you put on while you were pregnant the last 9 months of your life, and spent most of it in a continuous search for something to put in your mouth. Oh yes, we've heard it all before...you were eating for two....no one cares if I gain weight while I'm pregnant, that's normal.....yup, we've heard it all. Now it's time to get in touch with your will power, because to lose weight after pregnancy is a very long row to hoe.
Now that you have been out of control for a while, it will be difficult for you to go back to a normal pattern of eating; even an eating pattern that is less than what you ate normally to try and lessen your calorie intake some, to kick start the weight loss.
Control and will power are needed here bigtime, and the first thought that should be in your head is a conscious decision to lose the weight. If you don't do that, (make the decision to act) you will never get the pounds off, and you may even stand the chance of gaining even more by not changing your ways. It's awfully easy to just eat what you want, whenever you want; and that has got to stop, because that's what got you into this overweight fix in the first place.
To make a change for the better, and to truly lose weight after pregnancy, you need to get a sensible eating plan in place with some exercise thrown in; and with that combo, you should lose the pounds at a reasonable rate and in a way that is healthy for you.
Try to do it any other way, like with a fad diet, or quick weight loss pills; is not going to work over the long term, and not only will you not be healthy, but you will develop problems later on. You need to stick to the 9 months rule: you took 9 months to put it on, now take the next 9 months to get it off.
Oh yeah, you can point to the celebrity mothers who have their babies and then 2 months later are back on the runway with their toned bodies and flat abs. But don't confuse them with reality.
For one thing, their figures are the way they earn a living, and without a svelt figure they would be out of the running. The other is: they have the funds to hire anyone they need to help them lose the weight safely and in a healthy manner, like fitness trainers or dieticians that can tell them what the best way is to safely lose weight after pregnancy. We don't have that luxury. At least most of us don't.
If you are in their ball park, then you could do the same thing...but for the great majority of women, that option is not open to them.
But, you should give serious consideration to the fact that you need to lose weight in a healthy way and get started with the help of your physician, on a weight loss plan that will fit into your lifestyle and will really work for you. The plan should be well balanced with exercise included and should be designed so that you lose weight at a slow and steady pace and should be the answer you are looking for to lose weight after pregnancy. This way you will be assured that you and the baby have a healthy plan to follow, and the weight will stay off once you have lost it.
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