. Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=350)
Weight Loss

Losing weight seems to be a national pastime. Rather than jumping on a fad diet, change your menu to include these foods and see the difference it makes in your life.

1. Tortillas. Low in fat, tortillas make a good substitute for bread. Find whole wheat to really get the best for your body.
2. Water. This should be your drink of choice. It keeps you hydrated, suppresses your appetite, and helps metabolize fat.
3. Fruit smoothie. Add bananas, blueberries, apple juice, and wheat germ or protein powder for an excellent food to keep you healthy and encourage weight loss.
4. Whole wheat bagel. Filled with nutritious whole grains and low in sugar, bagels work for breakfast or as the bread for your sandwich at lunch.
5. Romaine lettuce. Give up iceberg lettuce, which has barely any nutritional value and use romaine for your salads and sandwiches.
6. Veggie burger. Filled with soy and other vegetables, this alternative to beef is significantly lower in calories and healthy too.
7. Dried papayas. Full of iron and vitamins C and A, dried papaya is good for you and the sweetness is a great substitute for a candy bar.
8. Spaghetti squash. Cook this healthy vegetable and replace the strands of it for the pasta in your spaghetti recipe for a delicious meal without the carbs.
9. Watermelon. Sweet and full of hydrating water, this fruit is a great food to fill you up without filling you out.