(My Original Blog Post: http://www.infohealthy.net/?p=334)
Losing weight for some people is the hardest thing they have ever had to do in their lives, to start something like that, the best route to take is to consult your doctor and get his input and he may refer you even farther down the weight loss road to a dietician or a nutritionist. They can help you avoid food pitfalls and misconceptions about weight loss and can help put together a plan of attack that will allow you to go after your unwanted pounds in a healthy manner.
And a lot of people will do that, take the advice of a physician or a dietician; but when it comes down to brass tacks, and things are not moving along as fast as they think they should be, or want them to....then they start thinking about the fad diets.
Most of these fad diets, or even diets that are supposedly sound; are still missing critical ingredients that would be found in a healthy weight loss program and because of that, the unhealthy plans do not work. They go against the grain of what is really a healthy plan for a person and many seem to emphasize just one or two areas of the food pyramid, not the whole pyramid.
In a healthy weight loss program, the whole food pyramid is emphasized and used to balance out an eating plan that includes all the food groups and also includes exercises to give the weight loss a little nudge. As opposed to a skewed eating plan such as those found with fad diets, only half the nutrients required of a healthy human body are used and the dieter is really running with some of his cylinders not firing at all.
And then what happens when the weight loss is over, if you have used one of these unbalanced and unhealthy programs? You guessed it, the body retaliates and tries to rebalance itself and in doing so, gains back all the weight you worked so hard to get rid of. You really need to give this some serious thought if you are faced with having to lose weight and are trying to formulate a plan to do so.
Of course, the most sensible approach is to go with a healthy weight loss program and do it the correct way in the first place, and then the weight stays off after you have reached your goal. Unfortunately, a lot of people are raised in this day and age with instant gratification, and will accept nothing less...so a gradual healthy weight loss is just not in the cards for them and they will choose a fad diet every time.
If it is necessary for you to go on a weight loss program, make sure it is a healthy one and has the seal of approval from your doctor before you start out. Losing the weight gradually is the smartest thing you can do for yourself, and leaving the fad diets in the dust is an even better idea. Doing so will get you the weight loss you want and need, and you will be the better off for it.
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