. Friday, February 6, 2009
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It's OK to snack. When you were growing up your parents probably got on your case for snacking. You likely snacked on unhealthy treats like potato chips and cookies. But if you make a small effort you can eat healthy snacks that taste great too. Here are some of my favorite healthy snacks:

1. Apple with peanut butter - this health snack takes just a few minutes to prepare. Slice an apple (or use a decoring tool), spread on some Jiffy and you'll be snacking in a jiffy. You'll not only get the vitamins and fiber from the apple but also the protein from the peanut butter.

2. Ants on a log - this fun and healthy snack includes celery covered with peanut butter and topped with raisins (representing the ants). Here's a fun fact: eating celery actually results in a net loss of calories. Celery has so few calories that the act of chewing it burns more calories than you take in!

3. Cereal - think cereal is only for breakfast? Many cereals are packed with vitamins and fiber and are great for snacking in the evening. Pour a small bowl of your favorite cereal and munch on it like popcorn.

4. Rice cakes - before you say "blah", rice cakes come in more than just the bland unsalted variety. You can get them with various flavors (such as cinnamon) without giving up the nutritious value.